企业管理代考 IBUS6020 Enterprise Management in China

IBUS6020 Enterprise Management in China

企业管理代考 Another key resource for Haier is its Human Resource Management (HRM). The factories of Haier in China and in America are both embedded

The firm analysis for Haier America will be conducted through key resources and key partners from the Business model canvas.


Key Resources:  企业管理代考


Ren Dan He Yi is a business model raised by Zhang Ruiming and is linkes to HOPE , this model has been used in many Haier’s foreign subsidiaries, and has been very successful.


Another key resource for Haier is its Human Resource Management (HRM). The factories of Haier in China and in America are both embedded with the 6S daily routine, which stands for 6 Japanese words with initials of S, that are: arrange tools in the order of use (seiton), Keep the worksite clean (seisoh), follow workshop disciplines (shitsuke), discard the unnecessary (seiri), and keep yourself clean (seiketsu). Haier added the sixth: safety. (UKessays, 2021) This philosophy constitutes Haier's high standard production process, and brings the best quality products to the world.


To adapt America’s culture and better understand the U.S. market, Haier’s CEO and senior management team in America are all localized. This strategy enables Haier to overcome the culture distance between China and America. (Luo & Tung, 2007)  企业管理代考


Key Partners:


An important internationalization strategy for Haier is Coopetition, that is, transfer global competitors to alliances. (Luo & Tung, 2007) GE Appliances is the major competitor when Haier first enter the America market. Therefore, Haier chose to acquire GE to intergrate GE’s brand reputation, experienced and localized management team, logistics and distribution networks, and the quality control system. More importantly, GE helped Haier to build a quality brand image in the U.S. and successfully changed the American’s perception of Chinese products are all low quality and cheap.


In terms of distribution partners, Haier entered the U.S. market in 1994 by exporting, however, it is hard to break into the America market, because American didn’t know about Haier and they wouldn’t buy a white good from an unreliable producer. So Haier established partership with top 10 retailers in the U.S., including Walmart, Target, Home Depot, etc. This strategy directly builds a strong brand image in North America, since people always trust big retailers. (Tung, 2012)  企业管理代考


Luo, Y., & Tung, R. L. (2007). International expansion of emerging market enterprises: A springboard perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 38(4), 481–498.

Tung, A. (2012, August 3). Home appliance maker Haier taking on America|Economy| China Daily. Retrieved November 2, 2021, from

UKessays. (2021, August 12). Human Resources Management: Haiers Global Success. Retrieved November 7, 2021, from  企业管理代考


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