MIS608 – Agile Project Management
代写项目管理 As the kid completes one level, the traffic condition changes like highway, school area, shopping mall and parking as well.
Final Product brief for Click-a-brick – ‘Traffic rules and etiquettes’ 代写项目管理
- As the new product is targeted towards 8-12 age-set. This age is where kids develop their minds and enhance their knowledge of day-to-day routine.
- All the products Click-a-brick has developed till now has helped kids in their everyday life.
- The product we have decided to introduce is called Traffic rules and etiquettes.
- This product is a combination digital and physical form of a game. 代写项目管理
- The physical product we deliver is a Bluetooth controlled toy car. The product is connected with the mobile device, then the application would scan the whole room you are in. And then creates roads with different traffic rules in the room with the help of augmented reality. The car can be controlled by your phone and the kid need to follow all the rules while driving and controlling the car. The example of rules would be following give way signs, stop signs, speed limits, traffic lights, zebra crossing, school zones etc. In a session, a kid would be allowed to make 3 mistakes and following each rule would fetch the kid some points.
- As the kid completes one level, the traffic condition changes like highway, school area, shopping mall and parking as well.
- By this way, the kid starts learning about the road safety from an early stage of their lives. We can further develop this product by adding humans, other vehicles, change in traffic conditions, emergency vehicles (Ambulance, fire engines or police vehicles etc.)

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