Course: MGT240 A01 Motivating and Managing People
人力资源paper代写 Another thing that needs to be done is to tell the team that coming up with solutions for this problem will help in overcoming……
Topic: Team Performance Report
Introduction 人力资源paper代写
Performance is a metric that is at times qualitative, as in the level of effort put forth by a team member cannot be measured quantitatively. It is primarily based on the judgement of the supervisor or at times even depends on the perception that the rest of the team has about them. Performance is also affected by many external and internal factors.
Extrinsic motivation can help in positively impacting the performance of the employees so that they become enthusiastic about the work that has been assigned to them. Whereas, for some people intrinsic motivation could be the key to keeping them focused on the task at hand. And knowing what motivates them helps the leader/ manager in keeping them on track. 人力资源paper代写
Therefore, I believe that it is very important to consider how the team members remain motivated and use those as a means to ensure that they keep performing optimally. On the other hand, it is also very important to note that there can be instances when the team fails to work in harmony and synchronicity. In such circumstances. It becomes a challenge to keep the team motivated so that they can deliver the sought after results.
A "high-performance work team" refers to a group of goal-focused individuals with specialized expertise and complementary skills who collaborate, innovate and produce consistently superior results. The group relentlessly pursues performance excellence through shared goals, shared leadership, collaboration, open communication, clear role expectations and group operating rules, early conflict resolution, and a strong sense of accountability and trust among its members (SHRM).
In order to build an effective team, it needs to be understood where each team member as an individual is coming from. 人力资源paper代写
Sometimes, the reason for the emergence of conflicts is lack of communication or mis-communication for that matter. The case that has been presented to us in this assignment is a clear cut example of mis-communication and resentment harbored against the senior management for reducing the quality of the widget in order to reduce costs.
The main problem that I can identify is that of the resentment and anger of the development team for altering their designs. I think the approach that should have been selected should have been that of prior communication. The management should have communicated to the team that they need to reduce costs, based on which the team would have designed the widget accordingly, thereby, not compromising on its quality nor its performance.
While the decrease in projected sales can be blamed on the altered design of the widget, the team needs to understand that this problem should be addressed, and solutions should be determined in order to overcome this issue in the future.
I believe that when the senior management takes the employees on board with what needs to be done, then creative solutions arise through brainstorming for ideas. This is one of the most effective ways in making the team realize that the company depends on them to make the right calls, while at the same time informing them that their opinions matter.
Team Performance Report Template
EMPLOYEE NAME | DEPARTMENT | Product Development | ||
LAST REVIEW DATE | 22-1-17 | TODAY'S DATE | 22-1-18 | |
Works to Full Potential | Yes | |||
Quality of Work | Yes | |||
Work Consistency | Yes | |||
Communication | Yes | |||
Independent Work | Yes | |||
Takes Initiative | Yes | |||
Group Work | Yes | |||
Productivity | Yes | |||
Creativity | Yes | |||
Honesty | Yes | |||
Integrity | Yes | |||
Coworker Relations | Yes | |||
Client Relations | Yes | |||
Technical Skills | Yes | |||
Dependability | Yes | |||
Punctuality | Yes | |||
Attendance | Yes | |||
GOALS | ||||
The goals set in the previous review were achieved, however, with the past widget not performing up to the expectations and standards, the goals for this term are not achieved. | ||||
To overcome the issues arising in the widgets and ensure that the performance of the new products is up to the mark. 人力资源paper代写 To achieves the sales targets as set by the senior management and sales/ marketing team. | ||||
The team is not performing as well as they usually do, due to rising uncertainty. Many have started showing signs of intense demotivation and have even started to look for other job opportunities. | ||||
Report for Senior Management Regarding the Issues at Hand
The following are my observations regarding the behavior of the team members and how to go about motivating them so that they are able to perform better. The biggest issue that I see is the team’s reservations against the senior management’s decision, along with the fruitless discussions that are not yielding any results nor solutions.
I think the employees need to be communicated what needs to be done, with a clear sense of direction. The demotivation is affecting all of the members of the team and this needs to be addressed, otherwise, even those employees who are performing well right now will start showing signs of decreased performance. Especially the team member who has become extremely outspoken, he or she needs to be dealt with in a professional and understanding manner.
The root cause of this could be the uncertain situation that arose due to the inability of the new widget to meet the sales target. It is also the fruitless discussions that the team has been having in order to develop or identify a solution to overcome the performance issues of the widget. Another cause of the increased distress among the team members could be the outspoken employee, who is adding to the stress of the rest of the team.
In order to overcome the issue of not being able to meet the sales target. 人力资源paper代写
The first thing that needs to be communicated is that the team is not held responsible for it. Yes, the performance issues may be due to the altered design, but that too was a decision that was taken by the senior management, in order to cut costs. Therefore, the team should be clearly communicated that this is not their fault, and that the management does not hold them responsible.
Another thing that needs to be done is to tell the team that coming up with solutions for this problem will help in overcoming future widget and product development related issues. We can also offer an incentive to the team member who develops a solution for these performance related issues. Moving on to the weekly discussions that are being held which seem to be a waste of time.
From my personal experience as well, there are times when weekly meetings are nothing but a waste of time.
Instead of having these meetings, I think that each employee should be tasked with the responsibility of identifying what could be causing the problems in the product. This will result in more productive efforts by each member, while at the same time, giving them ample time to figure out a solution to the problem. 人力资源paper代写
Another thing that can be done in order to make the meetings more fruitful, is to have brainstorming sessions, while analyzing each and every component of the widget carefully. However, rehashing old issues is not going to take the team anywhere, therefore, I suggest forgetting the old and taking a new approach towards problem solving. Treat the product as a new project instead of something with which the team’s grievances are attached.
In order to deal with the outspoken employee. I think he or she should be given the lead role in solving the problem. When someone like that is given responsibility for solving a problem then they take charge of it and tone down the outspoken behavior they were having previously.
Another method to handling this situation would be to give that particular team member another task to keep them occupied while the rest of the team works on developing a solution for the current problem, thereby, reducing the discrepancies arising within the team.
All of this needs to be communicated in a proficient and professional manner. One such way is to empathize with the employees, which can be dealt with in the following manner;
Dear Team, 人力资源paper代写
It has been a challenging task trying to identify the solutions to the impending problems with the new widget. Rest assured that all your efforts are being noticed and appreciated by everybody here at the management level. Together, we will not only overcome this challenge but also rise above to bring better and superior performing widgets than before.
Keep up the good work!
Something like this is likely to not only assure the employees that their hard work is being noticed but also motivate them to do better. This written communication can be addressed to the sales and marketing team, product development team, as well as the production team, to make them realize that they may belong to different departments but they are part of one big team that makes up the company.
The strategies of motivating various employees has already been discussed above. I also believe that various team building activities, such as taking the team out for lunch so that they can relax or having some sort of gaming competition will not only relieve the stress they feel, but also help in lightening the mood.
References 人力资源paper代写
Frederick P. Morgeson, D. Scott DeRue , Elizabeth P. Karam, Leadership in Teams: A Functional Approach to Understanding Leadership Structures and Processes, retrieved 22-1-18 from;
Pina Tarricone, Joe Luca, Successful Teamwork : A Case Study, retrieved 22-1-18 from;
Richard A. Guzzo, Marcus W. Dickson, Teams in Organizations: Recent Research on Performance and Effectiveness, retrieved 22-1-18 from;
Katherine L. Yeager and Fredrick M. Nafukho, Developing Diverse Teams to Improve Performance in the Organizational Setting, retrieved 22-1-18 from;
Performance Review Template, retrieved 22-1-18 from;
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