个人书面报告代写 Industry related ratios are provided below. Compare the industry-based ratios with your findings in part 2 of this assignment.

Due: 5 pm – Thursday, 3 November 2022

PURPOSE  个人书面报告代写

To assess the student’s ability to produce the financial statements of the fictional company from Assessment 2 Part A and using the financial data from the financial statements, calculate and analyse the financial ratios and report the results in a written business report.




1) Produce the Balance Sheet and Income statement of the fictional company from Assessment 2 Part A.

2) Using the Balance Sheet and Income Statement of the company obtained from Assessment 2 Part A, calculate the following ratios related with profitability, liquidity and solvency. Your written report should contain the detail calculations*.


Current ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

Quick ratio = (Current Assets – Inventory) / Current Liabilities

Inventory turnover = Cost of Good Sold / Inventory

Gross profit Margin %= Gross Profit / Net Sales  个人书面报告代写

Net profit Margin % = Net Profit / Net Sales

Return on Asset % = Net Profit / Total Assets

Debt to Asset Ratio = Total Liabilities / Total Assets

*Tabulate and show the ratio formula and detailed calculations and workings in an Appendix.


3) Industry related ratios are provided below. Compare the industry-based ratios with your findings in part 2 of this assignment. Discuss the findings/results of your financial analysis of each ratio, and include your recommendations for managerial actions in your report.



Industry Ratio
Current ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities2.45:1
Quick ratio = (Current Assets – Inventory) / Current Liabilities1.60:1
Inventory turnover = Cost of Goods Sold / Inventory5
Gross profit Margin %= Gross Profit / Net Sales16%
Net profit Margin % = Net Profit / Net Sales10%
Return on Asset % = Net Profit / Total Assets6%
Debt to Asset Ratio = Total Liabilities / Total Assets35%


A marking rubric (assessment criteria) is included in this assessment for your information.

The marking rubric details what is required in the report under each section.

Administrative Details  个人书面报告代写

  • Your individual assignment (in a report form) should be lodged through the Turnitin Assignment folder in CANVAS by 5pm – Friday, 4 November, 2022. LATE SUBMISSION PENALTY APPLIES.


  • This assignment must be typewritten and 1.5 spaced and in a word file.


  • Length: 1000 word limit (excluding Cover Page, Executive Summary, Table of Content, Reference List and Appendices). +/- 10% variation of the word limit is acceptable.


  • Attach an Assignment Cover Sheetto your submission.


  • A copy of the assignment should always be kept by the student.


  • The policies on late submission of assignments and plagiarism are provided in the Course Outline. Extensions with valid reasons will only be considered if the application is made 48 hours prior to submission.



Checklist before submission

Assignment Cover sheet completed with Assignment title, student name, student ID, word count 
Carefully proofread/edited for correct grammar and spelling 
Format and presentation: 
                Executive Summary (separate page) 
                Table of Content (separate page) 

Financial Ratio analysis, inferences and results

                Conclusion & Recommendation  个人书面报告代写 
                References  (separate page)


               Appendices (separate page)

Balance Sheet and Income Statement
Calculations of ratios showing formulae and data

               Consistent fonts and headings 
               Page numbers and correct cross-referencing 
Turnitin copy submitted


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