Managerial Finance
金融管理essay作业代写 Module mark must be at least 40. In modules with more than one component, there may normally be provision for a compensation
Aims and Summary 金融管理essay作业代写
Managerial finance is one of the four core modules in the MBA Global Business. The aim of this module is to explore key accounting
and finance practice and the associated decision making tools within organizations. It will cover the nature of accounting and finance tools within a variety of business environments and consider appropriate management techniques to help identify strategic options.
Drawing on the disciplines of financial and management accounting, this module will enable students to gain an appreciation of the type of financial information that is routinely produced by organizations for internal and external use. The module will use a wide range of business scenarios and apply relevant accounting techniques to critically evaluate and interpret financial information.
Module Size and credits
Module size | 1.5 |
CATS points | 15.0 |
ECTS credits | 7.5 |
Total student study hours | 150 |
Number of weeks | 14 |
School responsible | PSB Academy |
Academic Year | 2018/19 |
Entry Requirements (pre-requisites and co-requisites) 金融管理essay作业代写
Excluded Combinations
Composition of module mark (including weighting of components)
KIS Activity Type | Percentage |
WR | |
CW | 100% |
PR |
Module mark must be at least 40. In modules with more than one component, there may normally be provision for a compensation band to enable good performance on one component to offset failure in another component. In such cases, the minimum mark required is 35%. 金融管理essay作业代写
Assessed components
CW1 and CW2.
Special Features
Intended Module Learning Outcomes 金融管理essay作业代写
The intended learning outcomes are that on completion of this module the student should be able to:
- Selectandapply appropriate accounting techniques to critically analyse financial data in a variety of business decision making scenarios
- Makeinformedfinancial judgements based on the outcome of such accounting analyses
- Criticallyappraisethe techniques used and the information to which they have been applied
- Demonstrateancritical understanding to the internal, external and legal environments in which the judgements are being made
- Understandtheobjectives of preparing management information and the need to adapt techniques in a changing commercial environment that can help in decision making in relation to costing, pricing, product range and marketing strategy
- Evaluatethestrategic performance of a business, understand the significance of the relationship between financial and non-financial indicators of business performance and recommend appropriate performance measures
Indicative Content
- Key accounting and finance practice 金融管理essay作业代写
- Decision making tools within organization, such as Budgeting, NPV and Balance Score Card
- Performancemeasurementand how management decisions impact on performance measurement (accountability, management style and reward schemes) and organisational performance itself.
- The nature of accounting and finance tools within a variety of business environments
- Appropriatemanagementtechniques to help identify and evaluate strategic options.
- Thetypesof financial information and enable students to gain an appreciation of what and how this is routinely produced by organizations for internal and external use.
- Thewide range of business scenarios and accounting techniques that can be used to critically evaluate and interpret financial information
Teaching and Learning
Teaching, learning and assessment at PSB Academy offers students the ability to develop their knowledge, skills and competences through a curriculum that is purposely designed to provide both an exceptional learning experience and also engage them with the four areas of curriculum excellence to which Coventry University London Campus is committed;
- Career-building,
- 21st-century-learningdriven,
- Technology-enabled,
- Andinternationally-orientated.
All modules will be available to student’s on-campus, supported by a learning management system which directs their programme of study. All teaching, learning and assessment materials will be available to both staff and students via the system in a consistent and user-friendly manner.
Students will engage primarily via a number of learning blocks in each module: 金融管理essay作业代写
- Knowledge&Understanding; this block is concerned with the sharing of academic theory and concepts to ensure students have mastered a critical appreciation of current and relevant research in the subject area.
- Application; thisblockbrings the knowledge and understanding ‘to life’ by relating it to current practice. It takes a critical view of the theory and concepts as they are employed in the workplace in order to encourage students to evaluate their significance and merit.
- Analysis& Problem Solving; this block requires students to develop and demonstrate their essential analyticalskills in order to respond to employer related problems by making a set of clearly evaluated recommendations.
- Assessmentis explicitly related to both the module and programme learning outcomes detailed above. Studentswill be assessed through two specific assessment elements each of which has an agreed assessment weighting for the module. When combined the marks awarded to each element of assessment are used to calculate the overall final mark for the module
Alignment to Course(s)
The module fits with the course aims and course learning outcomes in the following ways:
- Students will be exposed to skills such as demonstrating, applying and critically evaluating major businessand management models business and management models, tools and theories in the context of theoretical and practical financial and accounting problems organisations face in modern day business.
- Enablesstudentsanalyse financing of the business enterprises or other forms of organisations and understand the use of accounting for managerial and financial reporting applications; and their applications for the efficient management of the business.
- Gives students the opportunity demonstrate key employability skills that are vital in the business world, whichinclude: commercial awareness; consultancy, communication, leadership, team work, computing; numeracy; action planning; stakeholder management. 金融管理essay作业代写
The intended learning outcomes will be summative assessed as follows:
Assignment | Description | MLOs addressed |
Assignment 1 | Case Study on Company performance using ratio analysis and balance score card. 40% | MLO1 MLO2 MLO3 MLO2 MLO4 |
End of Module Assessment | Case Study 60% | MLO1 MLO2 MLO3 MLO4 MLO5 MLO6 MLO7 MLO8 |
Each assignment is listed within the course assessment strategy.
Reassessment Method: 金融管理essay作业代写
Completion of a comparable piece of work/resubmission on the failed coursework components.
Date of last amendment
April 2018
Essential Reading
Managerial Accounting: Decision Making and Performance Management- Ray Proctor, Nigel Burton, Adrian Pierce, Gary Burmiston, Ray Proctor, 2012
Recommended Reading
Corporate Financial Management- Glen Arnold, 2013
Mergers and Acquisitions- Duncan Angwin, 2007
General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications- Ludwig von Bertalanffy, 2015
Business Information Systems: Technology, Development and Management for theE-business- Paul Bocij,
Andrew Greasley, Simon Hickie, 2015
Management: an Introduction- David Boddy, 2017 金融管理essay作业代写
Accounting for Managers: Interpreting Accounting Information for Decision Making- Paul M. Collier, 2015
Theory of Strategic Management: with Cases- Gareth R. Jones, Charles W. L. Hill, 2013
Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes- Kaplan, Robert S., Norton, David P.,
Alignment: Using the Balanced Scorecard to Create Corporate Synergies- Robert S. Kaplan, David P. Norton,
Business Finance: a Value-based Approach- Bill Neale, Trefor McElroy, 2004
Overhead Cost- J. Innes, F. Mitchell, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, 1993
Relevance Lost: the Rise and Fall of Management Accounting- Thomas Johnson, Robert S. Kaplan, 1991
Case Studies in Financial Control and Performance Measurement in Leisure and RecreationManagement:
With Suggested Answers- D. J. Naylor, Institute of Leisure & Amenity Management (Great Britain), 2003
The Meaning of Company Accounts- Walter Reid, David Roderic Myddelton, 2005
Beyond Performance Management: Why, When, and How To Use 40 Tools and BestPractices for Superior
Business Performance- Jeremy Hope, Steve Player, 2012
Reinventing the CFO: How Financial Managers Can Transform Their Roles and Add GreaterValue- Jeremy
Hope, 2006 金融管理essay作业代写
The Leader's Dilemma: How to Build an Empowered and Adaptive Organization withoutLosing Control-
Jeremy Hope, Peter Bunce, Franz Roosli, 2011
Beyond Budgeting: How Managers Can Break Free From The Annual Performance Trap- Jeremy Hope, Robin
Fraser, 2003
The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action- Robert S. Kaplan, D. P. Norton, NetLibrary, c1996
An Outline of General System Theory- Lugwig Von Bertalanffy, 1950
Who Needs Budgets?- J Hope, R Fraser, 2003
The Balanced Scorecard - Measures That Drive Performance- R.S. Kaplan, D.P Norton, 1992
Putting the Balanced Scorecard to Work.- Kaplan, Robert S.
Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System- R.S Kaplan, D.P Norton, 1996
Budgeting - An Unnecessary Evil- J Wallander, 1999
Having Trouble with Your Strategy? Then Map It.- Kaplan, Robert S., 2000
Breaking Through the Barrier to the Third Wave- J Hope, R Fraser, 1997
Required Equipment